Detecting early signs of a leaking shower is crucial to prevent water damage and costly repairs. Here are the key indicators to watch out for:

  • Bubbling paint on the walls: When water seeps through the walls due to a leaking shower, it can cause the paint to bubble or blister as it loses adhesion to the surface.

  • Mould around the silicone area of the perimeter: Moisture accumulation around the perimeter of the shower, particularly where silicone seals meet the walls or floor, can lead to the growth of mould and mildew. This is often a clear sign of water leakage.

  • Moisture behind the walls: If you notice dampness or moisture on the walls adjacent to the shower area, it could indicate water is penetrating the walls and causing damage behind the surface.

  • Cracked grout: Cracks in the grout between tiles provide pathways for water to seep through and reach the underlying structure. Inspect the grout lines regularly for any signs of cracking, especially in areas prone to water exposure.

  • Missing grout: Gaps or missing sections of grout between tiles create openings for water infiltration. These areas should be repaired promptly to prevent further damage.

  • Shallow tile grout joints: Inadequate depth of grout joints between tiles can result in water pooling on the surface rather than being effectively directed towards the drain. This can lead to water seepage and damage over time.

Regularly inspecting your shower for these early signs of leakage can help you address any issues promptly, preventing extensive water damage and costly repairs in the future. If you notice any of these signs, it's advisable to consult a professional plumber or contractor to assess and address the problem effectively.

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Perth, Australia